Flag Mania - Flag Quiz

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Kuhusu mchezo huu

Welcome to Flag Mania, the exciting game that challenges your knowledge of flags from around the world! Do you consider yourself a flag expert? It's time to put your skills to the test!

In Flag Mania, your goal is to guess the names of all the flags in the world in three languages: English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Get ready to face new challenges with each level, each one more thrilling than the last!

Need a little help? No problem! Earn coins as you progress through the game and use them to get hints that will help you decipher those tricky flags.

Best of all, Flag Mania is completely FREE. Yes, you heard that right, absolutely free! Dive into the fun and excitement of this flag game without having to spend a single penny.

Think you've seen it all? Think again! Discover a special level in Spanish, along with many other challenges waiting for you. Are you ready to become the ultimate Flag Mania player?

Download now and start unlocking the world of flags. Show that you're the master of flags from around the world!

Download Flag Mania now and show off your flag mastery to the world!
Ilisasishwa tarehe
7 Mei 2024

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Kuhusu msanidi programu
Alex Ronald Mayhua Andrade
Barrio Túpac Amaru Macusani 21251 Peru

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