Elvis Viewer

1 ming+
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Elvis Viewer is the mobile solution for the area building automation and visualization.

The free Elvis Viewer app implements a graphical user interface to control and visualize your buildings (private residences and public or industrial buildings).

Here is a brief overview of the features:
- The Elvis Designer is a professional tool where you create and design the user interface for the target devices (Android devices and others). The main tasks of the Elvis Viewer is to generate a user interface from this design and to communicate with the plant. You can download the Elvis Designer here: https://it-gmbh.de/en/products/elvis-clients/#elvisviewer. The online help function of the tool gives you detailed information about all functions.
- The Elvis system supports all bus systems/interface relevant for the building automation such as EIB/KNX, OPC, M-BUS, Modbus, DMX-512, DLNA (Multi-Media) and many more.
- For the design of the user pages you have the choice of a lot of pre-build controls. Each control has a rich setting to define its behavior and looking. You can find several buttons, analog in/out, text in/out, image and web cam controls and others. The online-help of the Elvis Designer defines the actual available controls for the Elvis Viewer.
- Supports all devices from the Android version 2.3. Of course you can use different sides for the portrait and landscape view.
--------------------------------Easier!-----------More Beautiful!----------- More Flexible!--------------------------------

Elvis 3.3 is an efficient visualization system also usefull for automatic monitoring tasks and general facility management tasks. Elvis Viewer is the mobile visualization of the building automation software. It enables you to access all your devices and components of your building comfortably and in real time. The device communicates via WLAN with the Android server which is linked into the ISS (Internet Information Server). All relevant files (*XML, *config and graphic files) are generated by the Elvis Designer.

For further product information, please contact us by telephone +49 911 5183490 and email support@it-gmbh.de.
Oxirgi yangilanish
10-mar, 2023

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Enhanced: ScheduleConfigControl now supports enum values for different data point types.

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IT Gesellschaft für Informationstechnik mbH
An der Kaufleite 12 90562 Kalchreuth Germany
+49 1525 3988033