AI tool for Skin Problems

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What is Tibot?
• Tibot is Dermatology AI Bot which will helps users learn about skin problems.
• Skin problems can be easily neglected because it is not urgent
• Learn about various skin conditions and see a Doctor.
• Helps understand upto 90% of common skin problems.
• Consult online with a Dermatologist to get a confirmed Diagnosis (Note: A fee will be charged for the service).

Important Note:
Tibot's skin evaluation is AI driven and is not meant to replace the advice from a professional Doctor. Tibot does provide the option to connect to a certified Dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Important Note:
Tibot does NOT identify skin lesions and does NOT identify skin cancers of any type. You cannot use Tibot to determine the next course of actions for lesions which can be cancerous.

Data Privacy.
Your data is encrypted on our secure server. You have full control over your data and you can delete it within the app at any time. Also you can contact to request deletion of any cloud data.

How do I use it?
Upload an image of the skin problem, answer a few questions regarding the symptoms you have, you will get an option to learn about different skin conditions which you might have. Tibot can be used to consult an online Doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

How does it work?
Tibot's powerful AI engine provides results using following technologies
• It uses latest deep-learning neural networks to evaluate skin conditions.
• Tibot leverages the medical knowledge it has been trained on by comparing the symptoms with the skin problems.
• Tibot learns everyday as it sees more cases and becomes smarter to predict the condition.

Why use Tibot?
Tibot app helps you in your journey to learn about different skin problems. If you are worried about a rash, use our tool which will help you understand different types of rashes, their causes and treatment options.

Tibot is a skin care app which helps users from the learning process of their skin problem and get help with a certified dermatologist from within the App.

What skin conditions are covered by Tibot?
Tibot provides information on 12 high-level common skin conditions and 50 low-level conditions which comprise a large majority of skin problems. The high level conditions are:
• Acne & Rosacea
• Alopecia
• Bacterial Skin Infections
• Benign Tumors
• Eczema
• Fungal Infections
• Immunological Skin Disorders
• Psoriasis
• Skin Infestations
• Viral Infections
• Pigmentation Disorders

Online Skin Consultation by a Dermatologist
You can get a diagnosis by a certified Dermatologist. Just submit a case, pay the service fees and get an evaluation by Skin specialist doctor within 24 to 48 hours.
Note: Fees apply

Tibot's Wiki Resource
Tibot has a comprehensive topic on dermatology conditions and skin treatments. The Wiki is structured to provide the following information
- Description of skin disorders
- A guide for skin care
- Managing various chronic and recurrent skin problems
- Common treatment for skin diseases and medicines
- Self care for skin diseases
- Common symptoms and diagnosis
- Common causes of skin problems
Oxirgi yangilanish
2-avg, 2024

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Polyfins Technology, Inc.
3829 Scamman Ct Fremont, CA 94538 United States
+1 678-756-2665