Edge Lighting & Border Light

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Edge Lighting - Create Cool Edge Lighting Effects for Your Phone

Edge Lighting is an app that helps you quickly and easily receive notifications by displaying a strip of light on the edge of your screen. The app has many features and options to help you create the perfect edge lighting effect for your style.

Key features:
• Show edge lighting when you get a notification: Edge Lighting will automatically display a strip of light on the edge of your screen when you receive a notification. You can customize the color, brightness, and effect of the edge lighting.
• Various effects and wallpaper settings: Edge Lighting has a variety of effects to choose from, such as running light, flashing light, and shape light. You can also set a live wallpaper to create a fun and engaging effect.
• Additional features: In addition to the key features, Edge Lighting also has additional features such as snow, firefly, and bubble effects. The wallpaper setting also allows you to customize your wallpaper with edge lighting effects.

• Receive notifications quickly and easily: Edge Lighting helps you receive notifications quickly and easily by displaying a strip of light on the edge of your screen.
• Create a unique edge lighting effect: Edge Lighting has a variety of effects and options to help you create a unique edge lighting effect that suits your style.
• Make your phone unique: Edge Lighting helps you create a unique and stylish phone.

Edge Lighting is a great app for anyone who wants to quickly and easily receive notifications and create a unique edge lighting effect for their phone.

Download Edge Lighting today to start experiencing the app's great features!

Additional information:
• Free version: The free version of Edge Lighting provides access to a number of basic features and effects.
• Premium version: The premium version of Edge Lighting provides access to all features and effects, including more effects and border types added. Unlimited use of our wallpaper library is available.
Oxirgi yangilanish
3-okt, 2024

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