Baby Hairdryer Pro

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Sounds strange, but it works: This tip is passed on not only by midwives, but also by many mothers who needed support in calming their children.
Babies like monotonous noises - the hairdryer is perfect as a sleep aid.

But there is more to it than that. The hair dryer reminds babies of the mother's blood flow when they were still in the womb. Because when the blood flows, it is a kind of noise that is often compared to the "white noise". The effect: if the hair dryer is turned on, it can relax well and becomes sleepy.

The Baby Hairdryer app was developed so that other parents can also have a quiet night. You can choose between 3 different sounds of a hair dryer. Choose the sound that your baby will immediately calm down to. The app is completely ad-free and only reduced to the bare essentials. It has 3 timers, 5min, 30min, 60min and a infinity mode.

Baby Hairdryer Pro features:
✔ No ads
✔ Infinite playback
✔ 3 Timer with soft fade out
✔ Background audio support
✔ App works offline
Oxirgi yangilanish
1-noy, 2024

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