DJ Mixer

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10 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

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DJ Mixer

For All who love mixing music, now whit a pro virtual dj mixer you can mix music adding 2 songs in disc dj like a real music mixer and playing this on a party its simple to with this virtual music remixer to add much effects and dj sounds into you favorite songs.

DJ Mixer is a free, robust and powerful party-proof virtual turntable for DJs which enables you to mix, remix, scratch, loop or pitch your music in the palm of your hands.

DJ Mixer 2023is a music player with a super cool 3D user interface in a virtual 3D world.

DJ Mixer is also known as a mobile dj mixer, 3d dj mixer, dj mix, mixer dj etc.

♦ With the equalizer function you can equate the best music mix with advanced quality
♦ Changes in tempo / pitch / BPM
♦ Create / open / edit a playlist
♦ Two dj scratching sounds
♦ Displays the waveform of each mixture
♦ UI is simple, easy to use

If you have any suggestion feel free to rate and review the application and we will be happy to update the app and improve "DJ Mixer" together!
Oxirgi yangilanish
3-mar, 2018

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