Toy Maker 3D: Connect & Craft

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Much joy and fun await you in Toy Maker 3D: Connect & Craft! Choose your favorite toy, move to the assembly area and connect the parts. Fill all the shelves in the room with your trophies!

Choose a toy

Choose your favorite toy and collect it! Do you want a fire truck? What about a doll or a tank? You will definitely find what you always wanted as a kid.

Move to the assembly area

Drag the selected box to a special area, open it and start the fun.

Connect the details

A fascinating assembly process, connect the parts as in the best designers. It may seem easy, but is it? So try it, create a toy, and find out that this is a real challenge for your brain, can you handle it?

Build your collection

After you collect the toy, it does not disappear but is placed on a special shelf in your room. Fill the whole place and collect all the collections!

Game Features

A wide selection of toys, you will definitely like
Collect and decorate your room
Connect the parts like in the best constructors
Nice 3D graphics
Easy controls

Choose a toy, connect parts and collect. Toy Maker 3D: Connect & Craft is the perfect game for all boys and girls. Feel like a child and fulfill your dream. Download and play!
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-okt, 2024

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