Fantasy Las Vegas: Build City

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1,97 ming ta sharh
100 ming+
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What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, specially in a version of the famous city built by you! Become a construction tycoon and manage your resources to expand your city and make it glow in the dark just like the real thing!

• BUILD your own Vegas-like city and see it go from a quiet small town to a bustling, sleepless metropolis!
• MANAGE your resources and make important decisions like a true entrepreneur. You gotta spend money wisely to expand your town and win even more cash!
• CUSTOMIZE your city with unique buildings like thematic hotels, business towers and other special constructions that open up thrilling minigames like casino, xx and xx!
• OWN a whole city and make it wealthier and fancier than all the most famous capitals in the world!

Get on your shiny mogul shoes and start building like the ambitious millionaire you are meant to become! Build your own Strip dotted with thematic resorts and casinos for tourists to gamble on slots, cards and roulettes. Your very own Las Vegas should have a nightlife that’s known all over the world!

Revel in the growth your business savvy can accomplish as you see your city expand and begin to look exactly like you envisioned it! Enjoy the opportunity of having full power over the development of everything in town, and be ready to host some impromptu chapel weddings as tourists start pouring in!

The luckiest city building simulation game is yours to play right now!

Please note! This game is free to play, but it contains items that can be purchased for real money. Some features and extras mentioned in the description may also have to be purchased for real money.
Oxirgi yangilanish
11-sen, 2024

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