Seattle Pie Truck: Food Game

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1,47 ming ta sharh
100 ming+
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Seattle has a serious pie craving!

Ride across the Emerald City in your pie food truck and seize the opportunity to turn your mobile pie restaurant into a thriving mobile business!

Bake fabulous and absolutely delicious pies with your very own special recipes and bring delight to every hungry customer! Cook fast and manage your time well so all of them get a taste of your baked treats!

Get your pie shop rolling in Seattle and become a food truck chef!


🥧MANAGE your own pie food truck and cook tasty fast food in lots of exciting and challenging levels! Rip through burning time-management challenges, show you’re great at multitasking and turn your pie food truck into a fabulous business!

🥧COOK awesome and diverse pies using various ingredients! Pumpkin, sweet icings, fruit, cheese...get creative with pie cuisine and bake unique pies and tarte-like dishes to your loyal customers!

🥧TAKE your pie truck to the most bustling places all across Seattle and serve your baked and crunchy treats to all kinds of customers throughout the Emerald City!

🥧UPGRADE your kitchen-on-wheels with chef-worthy appliances to prepare your fabulous pies quicker and serve even more customers. Never underestimate the incredible crisping power of a high-tech oven!

🥧WIN awesome and exciting daily rewards by spinning the roulette and get more coins and gems to keep spicing up your pie fast-food business!

🥧DASH to make your pie food truck famous for its swift service and delicious dishes and turn your mobile restaurant into a very profitable business!

Make your dream of becoming a food truck chef come true!

Start baking your one-of-a-kind pie recipes and dazzle customers all over Seattle like only an expert pie maker can!

Get Seattleites hooked on your incredible variety of baked slices of perfection and spread unforgettable flavour experiences all over the city!

Get inspired by the steady progress of your food truck business and surprise yourself with what your pie-baking talents can achieve!

Put your pie food truck on the road now!

Please note! This game is free to play, but it contains items that can be purchased for real money. Some features and extras mentioned in the description may also have to be purchased for real money.
Oxirgi yangilanish
11-sen, 2024

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