Model Salon Dash: Fashion Game

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1,48 ming ta sharh
100 ming+
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Fashion week in on, and every top model must be runway-ready!

Be fast to style the world’s most famous catwalk goddesses in the backstage of glamorous fashion shows!

Prove your fashionista talents by providing flawless hair and makeup to every model in the shows, all while dressing them in gorgeous couture designs!

Become a true top model stylist in the most dashing fashion backstage simulator game e-v-e-r!


👠DASH through thrilling time management levels and put your fashionista skills to the test as you style every top model waiting to enter the catwalk!

👠WATCH the models’ expressions and keep them all happy with your efficient hairdressing and outfit styling! Make them living, strutting displays of your fabulous fashion sense and everyone in the audience will crave your services!

👠UPGRADE your equipment and unlock new ways of making your fashion tendance ever more efficient! The faster you can turn top models into catwalk goddesses, the more famous your glamorous skills become!

👠PROVE your fashion talents in fun mini games that will make you feel the true rush of a fashion week backstage!

Now here’s the T: every major fashion design empire owes their rise to the fabulous models that walk the runways in their haute couture outfits.

And the supermodels only look fabulous because of stylists like yourself!

Get noticed in the world’s most glamorous backstages by being smart and fast and soon every legendary fashion designer out there will want to dine with you and talk business!

Become every supermodel must-have stylist and dash in the backstages of the world’s most talked-about Fashion Weeks.

Download now and take the fashion universe by storm!

Please note! This game is free to play, but it contains items that can be purchased for real money. Some features and extras mentioned in the description may also have to be purchased for real money.
Oxirgi yangilanish
11-sen, 2024

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Bug Fixes & Improvements