Focusi - Study Timer

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Focusi - Study Timer/Countdown Timer

Great for pomodoro or revision! Improve focus with this countdown/study timer.

Are you having issues concentrating on the things that matter? Are you a habitual procrastinator? Are you looking for a study timer or pomodoro app?

Then look no further!

Focusi is a sleek countdown timer/study timer for focus, revision and work that puts an emphasis on simplicity. All you have to do is tap a time and you're ready to go!

Main Features
- Multiple time frames(15, 30, 60 minutes etc.) that can be added or removed freely. You can use these as pomodoro sessions or for breaks.
- Quick display of estimated finishing times for each timer before you start a session.
- Pause and stop functionality.
- A finish alert sound(optional and can be turned off from the settings).
- A finish alert notification(can also be adjusted in the settings).
- Curated tips about how to improve your focus/break free from smartphone addiction.
- Add tags to your timer sessions so you know what you've been studying and for how long.
- Hard mode(a mode that pins the timer screen and stops other notifications from bothering you)
- Can be used for pomodoro
- Bar graphs that show the time you have spent studying with the app for the last 7 days/14 days(can be extended further with premium).
- Light and dark themes(and premium 'Night Mode'/'Pink' themes).
- Stopwatch functionality(a premium feature).

Focusi is great for people that:
- Want something to complement their study sessions
- Are having trouble focusing and need that extra push
- Are looking for an app with countdown or stopwatch functionality
- Are looking for app to use for pomodoro sessions

Don't delay, try this countdown study timer today!
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-sen, 2024

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Reytinglar va sharhlar

1,07 ming ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

- Minor bug fixes and general improvements.