Bubble Level - Spirit Level

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Detect inclination easily with this precise free bubble level app. Where can you use bubble ruler? It is mostly used in carpentry, construction, and photography. To hang a painting on the wall, or to level a table, you just need to put your Android device against the wall and make sure the bubble in the tube travels in the center position. Simple and portable.

This Bubble Level app provides not just spirit level, but also a straight ruler and 2D ruler, making the measurement more comprehensive. The tools in this Bubble Ruler is user-friendly. In the ruler functions, you can change the unit of the measurement, and in the bubble level function, you can lock the interface and change the bubble level mode.

Place the device on a relatively flat surface (such as a table) to ensure that the bubbles in the tubes are stably in the center of the tube. You can also watch the bubble position and adjust the direction of the device appropriately. After determining the position of the bubble, you can click the calibration button, so that your measurement will be more accurate.
Just put the device against the surface of the object you need to measure, you can start measuring.

We provide accurate measurements for every user with this bubble level free. But in order to get more real data, please calibrate before use. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-sen, 2024

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