Call Wallpaper Screen Themes

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Animated call screen theme makes your call special. You can set different beautiful themes for individual contacts. Color phone personalized themes will make your phone screen stylish. There are beautiful and unique 3D color call themes for your Android phone. You can easily customize the caller screen with just a few clicks.

Call Theme - Features

🌟 Caller Information: You can recognize who is calling by display the caller names and his phone number on the new theme.
🌟 Call Color Theme for Contact: After choosing your Caller Screen Design, you can set it for any contact you like.
🌟 Dynamic Buttons: You can customize call and hang answer buttons by picking your favorite one from a set of different buttons.
🌟 Live Wallpaper: This is a unique feature; you can set any video you like as a live wallpaper for your home screen.
🌟 LED Flashlight: set a flashlight when you call. Customize flash LED lights length and number of blinks.
🌟 Ringtones settings: choose a ringtone from the list and set it with the call theme.

Animated Call Screen Theme - Benefits

💎 Customize your color phone screen with the new stylish theme phone reminder feature in 2021. It provides a variety of amazing phone screen themes to make your phone caller screen unique!

💎 Animated call screen theme is a personalisation app designed for Android phones that focuses on incoming calls and 3D live wallpapers. Call Themes offers the users huge varieties of editor-picked 3d live themes and 4k HD background wallpapers.

💎 Call screen changer reminds incoming calls through the caller screen. It replaces your default call screen themes, which provides various beautiful themes. The call theme changer allows you to set up call theme slides or call flash for specific people. Enjoy! 😍
Oxirgi yangilanish
30-apr, 2024

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Илхам Курамбай
5-oktabr, 2023
Ichiga kirib bolmadi
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NovaApps Limited
6-oktabr, 2023
Assalomu alaykum Илхам Курамбай! Kechirasiz, Ichiga kirib bo'lmaganingiz uchun uzr so'raymiz. Iltimos, ushbu muammoga doirroq ma'lumot berishingiz mumkinmi? Biz sizga yordam berish uchun xatga davom etish uchun elektron pochta orqali murojaat qilishingizni so'raymiz.
Mirjalol Ulashov
21-may, 2023
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NovaApps Limited
22-may, 2023
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Yusip Saytov69
7-may, 2023
Pul tolamasdan ololmisanlar kerak emas 😒😒
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NovaApps Limited
8-may, 2023
Salom Yusip Saytov69, bizning ilovalarimiz bepul va pulli emas. Adashmasdan, ilovamizdagi reklamalar sonini kamaytiramiz. Ushbu mulohazangiz uchun uzr so'raymiz. Savollaringiz yoki murojatlaringiz bo'lsa, iltimos, bizga pochta orqali yozing:

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