POLYTUF - Learning App

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Skilling yourself on the go with POLYTUF Learning App— an online Youth skilling initiative from POLYTUF Brand. A plethora of skill building courses have been aggregated from various organisations across the globe. Learning on the go is fun now. Stay on top with all the updates from POLYTUF Learning App. Learning at POLYTUF caters to all the employees and partners. The learning transcends to a team strength of more than 1 million people. POLYTUF Partner Training focuses on the POLYTUF Partner fraternity and offers the following exclusive features for them: a. The courses and modules from various business academies can be accessed from this app. b. Classroom sessions are much simplified. c. Video nugget based learning modules for fun learning. d. Assessments and quizzes for the respective courses. With the app we intend to make learning not just to facilitate partners with business updates but to create a platform that would transform their learning overview and they can learn about the latest industry and digital processes at POLYTUF.
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-avg, 2024

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