Anority (RPG)

10 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

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Anority-real-time RPG with turn-based battles, a large open world, non-linear dialogues and quests. As a guide - the classic RPG of the old school.

Supported languages: Czech, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish.

A short plot: in the near future, the Council of Corporations began to manage humanity. There was still a struggle between corporations in an implicit form - espionage, local conflicts.
At the suggestion of the corporation "Ragon", the corporation "S4" began its expansion into the star system of Tau Ceti in order to extract expensive resources from the planets. One of the planets, later named Anority, with conditions suitable for human habitation, was decided to be used as a springboard for further expansion. However, in the process of settling, traces of, at first glance, primitive ancient civilization were discovered. "S4" under the contract allowed the corporation "Ragon" to do research on one of the temple complexes, having built a base in the immediate vicinity. After some time, the corporation "S4" suddenly announced the introduction of quarantine mode on the planet due to the outbreak of neuroinfection, causing significant mutations. According to the regulation of the Council of Corporations on the introduction of quarantine, "Ragon" was ordered to cease operations and leave the planet.
You are a special agent of the division of the corporation "Ragon", which is looking for traces of alien civilizations in order to obtain new technologies. Your mission is to arrive at the "Condirriens" base and urgently explore the temple complex.
Explore the world to find out who you really are, as well as the background to the origin of humanity and its original role.

Game features:
Think over each step in turn-based battles, because the error is expensive.
Volumetric vision. Be alert, the enemy may be behind your back.
Try not to make noise - enemies explore the sources of noise.
Properly allocate free space in the cellular inventory.
Develop those skills and abilities that you consider necessary.
Communicate, get key information through non-linear dialogues and quests.
Learn the secrets to create improved items from existing ones, repair items in time.
Learn more about your enemies and their vulnerabilities to choose the right tactics, weapons and ammunition.
Use a variety of medications and parameter enhancers.
Oxirgi yangilanish
12-noy, 2023

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