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Sing. The revolutionary app that brings the future of vocal analysis to your fingertips. Sing is not another pitch app, it's a ground breaking technology that quantifies aspects of your voice in real time. Imagine having a personal vocal coach in your pocket, correcting larynx position, vocal placement and breath support with precision.

What sets Sing apart is its inbuilt AI. This is not a large language model; it's a completely unique AI built and owned by us. It's the first of its kind, offering insights into your voice that were once impossible to grasp without a vocal expert by your side. With Sing, you can see what's happening inside your larynx as you sing, providing unparalleled feedback and learning opportunities.

Sing is the ultimate tool for understanding and improving your voice. Singing teachers can also leverage Sing to empower their students with real-time feedback to enhance their own vocal coaching.

Experience the future of vocal training with Sing. Download now and take your singing to new heights!
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-okt, 2024

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