Pikkuli - Blind Bird's Bluff

5 ming+
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Hamma uchun

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Children’s Animation series: Pikkuli is now available as fun games!

Play blind tag together with Honkkeli, Mole or Dad! Catching your target isn’t that easy when you are blindfolded. Obstacles and different type of bonuses make the timing of Pikkuli’s jumps essential for the success. You can gather apples to gain speed, speed away in a car or get carried by the ever helpful swan.

Your reaction time and wits are tested through three different difficulty levels. Clumsy Mole is perfect for training, while Honkkeli provides more challenge. After you have mastered catching Mole and Honkkeli try catching Dad. He runs really fast!

Pikkuli Adventures game family features games based on classic game ideas with a fresh twist!

In every Pikkuli game you can earn fun stickers to add to your sticker book! See if you can gather them all!

Safe to play - no in-app purchases!
Travel-friendly - no constant Internet access needed!
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-may, 2024

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