BaBlah: Save The Monk

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Save The Monk: Draw To Save is a draw save puzzle games. You draw one line with your fingers to create walls that protect the Monk from attacks by bees in the hive. You need to draw to save the Monk with the painted wall for 10 seconds during the attack of the bees, hold on and you will win the game. Use your brain to save the Monk.

1. Simple, addictive draw to save game, IQ brain
2. The difficulty increases.
3. Both challenging and satisfying.
4. 2D graphics visual with great sound and effects.

✔ Draw only one line to save the Monk and finish the level.
Ensure that you can solve the puzzle in one continuous line. Press to draw out your line, and lift your finger once you complete your drawing.
✔ Make sure your line will not hurt the Monk you need to protect.
Remember not to draw the line crossing the Monk you need to protect. Try to draw in the blank space.
✔ One level can have more than one answer.
Draw with your wild imagination! This is not only a test for your IQ, but also for your creativity as each puzzle has far more than one answer.

Find out different surprising, interesting, unexpected, and even hilarious drawing solutions to save the Monk!
Welcome to play our Monk games, if you have any comments about the game you can give us feedback, thank you for your participation.
Immerse yourself in the interesting world of save the Monk!
Oxirgi yangilanish
12-mar, 2023

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Try out this simple yet mind teasing puzzle game, test your level of intelligence.

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597/MRA-64, Kairali, Mannam, North Paravur Kottuvally Ernakulam, Kerala 683520 India
+91 79075 68536

Banzan Studios – boshqa ilovalar