Stick Battle: Ragdoll Fight

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T (13+)

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Welcome to Stick Backflip Killer 4! Broken bones games are here! Destroy sticks using your parkour skill, weapons, and slow-motion effects! If you like ragdoll games - you will be fond of this Stick Backflip Killer 4!

Upgrade your outfit and parkour skills, and buy weapons to fight stick. Become a legendary stick man in the world.

Are you looking for a henry stickmin game? Do you want this game to have stick parkour, dismount, playground elements, and stick battle? We are here! Our stick 4 Ragdoll Fight is just about stick games fight with broken bones, dismount, and parkour games components.

Features our stick Dismount & Broken Bones Games :
- Realistic active-ragdoll physics in the style people playground
- Unique ragdoll weapon system for total stick destruction
- Slowmotion effects
- Dynamic gameplay like in real stick games fight
- Different game modes
- Customizable outfit system
- Upgradable stick abilities
- Unbelievable stick battle
- No wifi game - our stick ragdoll & gorebox allows you to play offline, and no need wifi to work
- Multiple levels - pass them step by step - and become part of the league of stick
- Fascinating graphics like in stick dismount
- The atmosphere of death, dismount, and gorebox like in the game - people playground
- Parkour elements

How to play our stick Ragdoll:

1) With highly realistic ragdoll physics, the player controls stick man with a Joystick to move and attack the enemy.
2) When the enemy has a weapon, skillfully shoot from the gun before they attack you.
3) Avoid zombie stick attacks! Properly breaking bones will lead you to victory.
4) Fight your rivals and avoid damage.
5) In addition, the player can hit the body parts that were attacked previously to deal more damage.
6) You can upgrade and buy new heroes to increase your power to have the ultimate power and become the champion.
7) Winning combat earns you coins, which you may use to unlock more and more skills & weapons like in all stick shooting games.

If you are the fun of broken bones games, stick destruction, and stick battle - then you need to join io games offline!

stick Backflip Killer 4 is a kind of ragdoll game in the style of people playground and stick dismount. This stick killer is a sequel to the stick parkour game series where you have to pass levels and destroy sticks using your parkour skills and ragdoll fight. Do you want to kill time? Have nothing to do? Our io game is just like that!

Two main .io game modes are presented - Parkour Mode with backflips and Killer Mode with elements ragdoll. You will break bones like in stick dismount; the only difference is that you break bones of your enemies! In parkour mode - you must reach the finish flag to complete the level with ragdoll physics. In killer, your goal is to destroy all sticks using stunts and weapons.

Based on a physics-based ragdoll fight, your fighters interact realistically with each other & the environment. Unlike other stick games, your limbs have a physical presence in the game while still giving your stick man fast responses to your inputs. Imagine that your enemies are stick zombies - you need to make a stick battle like in turbo stick ragdoll playground 2! You can use a stick gun to kill them!

Virtually relieve stress with active ragdolls! Get ready to wipe out your enemies - zombie stick and their obstacles with distinctive features. stick battle & Broken Bones deserves to be one of the most rewarding stick man games ever.

Creatures presented in this stick 4 do not have similarities with humans and are fictitious. This stick man game, in any case, does not call for violence in any manifestation.
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-avg, 2024

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- UI fix
- Bug fix

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Илья Стасик
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