BT Air Mouse for Android Tv

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Transform your Android device into a powerful air mouse remote control with our Bluetooth Air Mouse Remote app! Whether you're watching movies, giving presentations, or navigating your Android TV, our app offers a seamless and intuitive way to control your device. Say goodbye to traditional remote controls and enjoy the convenience of a virtual air mouse right at your fingertips.

Key Features:
📶 Bluetooth Connectivity: Connect your Android device to your TV, PC, or any other Bluetooth-enabled device effortlessly.

🖱️ Air Mouse Mode: Enjoy a mouse-like experience by moving your Android device to control the cursor on your TV or PC.

📺 Smart TV Compatibility: Works seamlessly with popular Android Smart TVs, Android TV boxes, and more.

🎮 Gaming Mode: Enhance your gaming experience by using your Android device as a gamepad or joystick.

🌐 Web Browsing Made Easy: Effortlessly surf the web on your Smart TV with our air mouse mode and on-screen keyboard.

📷 Remote Camera Shutter: Use your Android device as a remote camera shutter for taking photos or videos with precision.

📡 Connection Status: Monitor the status of your Bluetooth connection and battery level at a glance.

🎯 Precision Control: Fine-tune your movements for pixel-perfect accuracy, ensuring a smooth and responsive experience.

📥 Lightweight and Easy to Use: The app is user-friendly and won't consume much space on your Android device.

Transform your Android device into the ultimate remote control with Bluetooth Air Mouse Remote! Say goodbye to the hassle of multiple remotes and enjoy a more convenient and efficient way to control your devices. Download now and experience a new level of control and precision.

Make your Android device the ultimate remote control with Bluetooth Air Mouse Remote! Download now for the ultimate convenience and precision in controlling your devices.
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-avg, 2024

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