Sudoku Classic

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Sudoku Classic is a famous logic puzzle game and easy to exercise your mind.

【How to play】
You are required to fill in each grid with numbers 1 to 9, and fill in the nine palace grid of 9x9, so that each row, column and each secondary palace of 3x3 contain all numbers 1 to 9.
The same number can only appear once in the same row, column or secondary cell, and each puzzle has only one answer.

【Game Features】
1. Four difficult levels: simple (2x2), medium (2x3), difficult and expert (3 * 3), game difficulty step by step, suitable for Sudoku fans of different ages.
2. Various props: undo, erase, note, hints, 4 props, to help you complete the level better and faster.
3. Rich themes: in addition to the default star theme, it also includes four themes: autumn, forest, ocean, winter and so on. When you play the game, let your eyes relax.

I hope you can enjoy this Sudoku game designed by us, and exercise your brain while enjoying the game. Welcome to download.
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-okt, 2023

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