Dragon Vs Crowd Distruct City

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36 ta sharh
10 ming+
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Have you ever received such power that you could destroy a whole metropolis city? Did you feel the power that makes you invincible in front of whole crowd of real soldiers?
Become an almighty dragon kaiju dinosaur and get unlimited power. Destroy the city, ruche each house into the smallest parts. Eliminate crowd of soldiers guarding the city.
Breathe fire at your opponents. Deal with the city as you wish, because absolutely every building is destroyed according to honest physics.
But be careful - some cities are protected by energy shields. Destroy power antennas to eliminate protection.
Entire city megacities tremble with fear, because the cities were attacked by a huge kaiju dragon dinosaur.
Crowd of soldiers will try to protect the city, but will they be able to stop such a powerful kaiju dragon dinosaur? Resist the crowds of soldiers and wipe out these annoying cities.
Oxirgi yangilanish
10-avg, 2024

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