Equilibrium: Obstacle Run

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Hamma uchun

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The Trition clan explorer needs your help to collect Quartz between worlds using her spaceship!

But be careful! This mission is not easy: avoid the obstacles generated by the mysterious tower and avoid the robots that launch themselves like spheres to destabilize the ship.

Protect the ship with your shield, repair it from the blows and fight to keep your balance while collecting Quartz to complete your mission: embark on this adventure and help the Trition clan to victory!

1. Your main objective is to keep your balance to be able to mine Quartz on the planet you are on.

2. But a mysterious tower will throw obstacles that will make you destabilize and interrupt your Quartz mining.

3. Dodge the obstacles by pressing left or right on your screen. But be careful, you must counteract your initial impulse, remember that you are in space.

4. If your spaceship is damaged by obstacles, you can use quartz to fix it. Fix your spaceship by sliding your finger from the center of your phone to the top right or top left, depending on where your spaceship is damaged.

5. There are robots that will rush towards your spaceship to make you lose your balance, avoid them by using the shield. To use the shield move your finger from the center of the cell phone to the bottom.

Don't forget to practice your ability to maneuver the ship in the "Compilation Mode" before entering the real world.
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-iyn, 2024

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