noob jailbreak draw the way

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T (13+)

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Nubik ends up in jail after being framed by a thug in a store. Now Nubik needs to prove his innocence or escape from prison!
In court, Nubik was unable to prove his innocence and was sent to prison.

Join this exciting adventure and help Noob navigate the map through the sewers avoiding traps and puzzles. You will need wit, quick reaction and draw a direction line, draw a line to guide the noob through the levels, free him from the cage and escape from prison.

Jailbreak offers you many exciting levels and unique challenges. At each level, you will find new challenges, incredible puzzles and colorful locations that will not let you get bored. Discover many traps and obstacles such as guards, locks, electric fields, saws, crossbows and more. You have to explore each level, solve puzzles and find the best route.

The graphics in our game are inspired by the pixelated style of Minecraft, which creates a cozy and familiar atmosphere. You'll love the environment details, pixelated characters, and features that make Minecraft so popular. Your experience in Minecraft will be an advantage in this game as you are already familiar with the basic mechanics and aesthetics.

When the bandit was given a "diamond pick" tool to escape, the bandit planned his escape and broke the floor with the diamond pick. Nubik decided to follow him and now Nubik needs to draw a line and draw a path along which he will make his way past the prison traps through the sewers. This is a very difficult path, and Nubik needs your help!
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-may, 2023

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Telefon raqami
Dasturchi haqida
Михаил Бектяшкин
Алматы 050000 Алматы Kazakhstan

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