Note: This application is to test the features and capabilities of ARCore.
Engine Visualization AR
In the era of a computer replacing the books, innovative technologies like augmented reality pave way for the fun, attractive and exciting way of education. Engine Visualization an AR application is a new form of Augmented reality application that offers users to visualize an engine in the real world along with its functions. The user will be able to view the engine in detail from all sides, and also figure out the features of different tunings.
Engine Visualization AR is compatible with ARCore Supported devices. Please check the below link to find out if your device is ARcore compatible.
Sharing information with augmented reality is fun and exciting. The user has to point the camera on to a flat surface through the application. Once the application detects enough feature points the engine will come to life through your phone.
This showcase application enables the users to visualize the engine in the real world on the go, regardless of their location. The options to scale, position and rotate make it more interactive and easier to view the inner parts and how they function. The easy to access UI makes it more user-friendly.
The scale, position and rotation features make this application more interactable The User at any point can zoom rotate or position the engine to have a detailed look.
3D animations:
The real-life animation of the engine helps the user to understand the functionality of the function and simultaneously educate himself without the hassle of going to a mechanic shop or an automobile exhibition.
X-ray View:
The X-ray view allows the user to have a detailed view of the interior parts of the engine and their functionality
High-quality 3D models:
The 3D model of the engine is very similar to the real-life engine which helps the user easily relate to the real-life engine and its function.
RPM Control:
The RPM of the Engine can be controlled using the slider and on adjusting the slider, the engine’s RPM will be changed and also changes the sound of the running engine
Audio Integration:
The engine now has audio which replicates the real-life engine sound and the sound can be controlled by changing the RPM. The mute button is also provided to turn off the sound Effects
All the features from AR is supported in Non-AR mode as well.
Voice Assistance:
Each 3D parts in the engine are interactable. On interacting with the parts in the Engine it highlights the part clicked and declares it out so that it helps the user on how to pronounce them.
Engine Visualization is totally free to play and no ads are supported for now
Upcoming Features: - More Interactions
Contact us on for AR/VR related queries and development support Gmail -
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