Hybrid Dinosaur: World Terror

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219 ta sharh
50 ming+
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The research into smaller, more agile hybrid dinosaurs has yielded a new polysynchronized DNA strand. Perfected combat capabilities paired with extreme adaptability has produced a powerful assassin dinosaur. Hybreed intends to use the results of their research to combat heroes and monsters, but the resulting Hybrid Dinosaur is far too deadly. In an effort to prevent further accidents, the laboratory had vastly increased security and nearly impenetrable containment cells. However, the cunning of the Deadly Hybrid allowed it to use social engineering to gain access to the controls locking it in.

The single completed specimen broke out of containment and escaped the Hybreed Labs. It now spreads terror across multiple human settlements and continuously evades Hybreed Special Asset Containment units. Human guards, hunters, scientists, super soldiers, brutes, robots, drones, all rendered incapable to stop the Deadly Hybrid as it dashes over rooftops, avoids deadly swamp poison, and jagged rocks. The humans cannot do much more than flee in terror. Will this terror ever end?

Play as the cunning Hybrid Deadly Dinosaur. Bite, spit, burn, and crush the humans trying to stop you. Jump and fly across the environment, leaving humans in terror.

-Timeless 2D Graphics!
-Combat Effects and Sounds!
-Simple Controls!
-Endless dinosaur running!

Terrorize the humans and show them that dinosaurs are not to be messed with! How much terror will you spread? Download and find out now!
Oxirgi yangilanish
30-iyl, 2024

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