Hybrid Giga: Mountain Rampage

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345 ta sharh
100 ming+
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Within a secluded mountain in the middle of the Primal Island, Hybreed has been experimenting with more dinosaur genetics. Unsatisfied with previous results, they recombined the Giganotosaurus DNA to make an even more powerful and terrifying predator. Armed with deadly combat capabilities and the genetic sequences of more than a hundred thousand species, they created the Hybrid Giganotosaurus. It was all under control until an accident disabled all the security systems within the labs.

The Hybrid Giganotosaurus is now unleashed and it only has one objective in mind: wipe out all the humans. It descended the mountains and began its rampage, destroying anything and everything in its path. Hybreed has deployed the Hybreed Special Asset Containment (HySAC) unit in order to take down the Hybrid Giganotosaurus. But, the Hybrid Giganotosaurus' rapid genetic adaptation gives it power beyond HySAC's capabilities. Will it ever be taken down?

Play as the monstrous and powerful Hybrid Giganotosaurus. Bite, break, and crush all the humans and destroy everything! The Hybrid Giganotosaurus will not be stopped!

-Timeless 2D Graphics!
-Combat Effects and Sounds!
-Simple Controls!
-Endless dinosaur combat!

What will it take to end your rampage? Download and find out now!
Oxirgi yangilanish
30-iyl, 2024

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