Turret Deck Run

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Hamma uchun

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Playing this game is quite simple. Swerve to move your turret and hit the target you want!
There are many things you can improve in this game:
You can improve your turret. To do this, you first need to shoot the evolve buttons on the runway enough. As you shoot these evolve buttons, they will fill the evolve bar on the left. When this bar is completely filled, you will have a new turret! The new turret will be stronger than the old turret and will have very interesting skins. These turrets are truly magnificent. How many new turrets can you unlock?
The second thing you need to improve in this game, of course your bullets! In this game we will offer you various opportunities to improve your bullets. Do you want to improve your bullets? You have to shoot every button! These key buttons will have different features that will add to your turret. For example, the key buttons that only say level on them, such as 1, 2,3 or more which cover a just one grid, will affect the level of your bullets. While the buttons that have skills such as fire, position, and can cover more than one grid will make your bullets have skills.
The third thing you need to improve is, of course the grids you have!! Even if you collect all the buttons, you may not be able to place them all... For this you need to buy a grid. When you get to the placeing area, tap on the grid you want to buy! Now you can place all your key buttons however you want.
Collect upgrades from the gates, improve your turret and become the owner of the most powerful turret! Take the key buttons you want in the button placement area and drop it into an empty grid!
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-noy, 2023

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