EscapeGame Tanabata love story

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1 ming+
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Bu oʻyin haqida

The Milky Way glittering in the night sky.
On the banks of the river, Orihime, the daughter of the heavenly god, was weaving the most beautiful hats in the world.
The cloth that Orihime woven shone in five colors, and it was beautiful that even the colors changed as the seasons changed.
The god of heaven was very proud of such a daughter, but Orihime took great care in weaving the hat, and did not care about her own hair and clothes. The god of heaven felt sorry for such a figure and said.
"Orihime is about to come of age, but I feel sorry for you if you just weave people's hats. That's right, let's find a suitable son for Orihime."

The god of heaven immediately searched everywhere. "I wonder if there's a son out there who's a match for Orihime..." As the god of heaven was walking along the banks of the Milky Way, he met a young man tending cows. Young people are called "Hikoboshi", and they work diligently without rest, watering the cows, preparing food, and working hard in the fields. "Well, if this hardworking young man can live happily with Orihime, then the god of heaven chose Hikoboshi as Orihime's marriage partner. Orihime and Hikoboshi fell in love with each other at first sight and became a very close couple.

However, since then, the two have been playing around and not doing any work at all. The weaving machine was covered in dust, and Hikoboshi's cows were getting thinner and thinner because they were no longer fed. "You guys, why don't you start working soon?" Even though the worried heavenly god warned them, they just answered, "Yes. I understand." Since Orihime stopped weaving hats, not only the clothes of the gods of the sky, but also the clothes of the gods of the heavens were in tatters. The squirrels also stopped working, so the fields were overgrown with grass, the crops were completely withered, and the cows finally fell ill.

"I can't leave you alone like this anymore." The angry Heavenly God said, "I can't let you two meet anymore." I was. And so, they parted with each other across the vast Milky Way, and they could not even see each other. From then on, Orihime cried every day and never tried to weave. Hikoboshi is also stuck at home, and the cow's illness is getting worse and worse. The troubled heavenly God said to them. "If you guys work hard every day like before, then I'll allow the two of you to meet only once a year."I look forward to seeing you once a year, on the night of July 7th... And Orihime was weaving even more beautiful hats than before, and everyone was very happy. Hikoboshi also worked diligently to take care of the oxen and plow the fields, so the oxen became very healthy and the fields produced a bountiful crop.

On the long-awaited night of July 7th, Orihime and Hikoboshi cross the Milky Way and enjoy their annual date. However, if it rains on that day, the water level of the river increases and it is impossible to cross the river. Then, a group of birds called magpies came out of nowhere and connected their wings to form a bridge in the Milky Way, allowing them to meet.

Happily ever after

●The operation is only a tap.

●Tap the item twice to check the details of the item.

●There is a brief synopsis and story.

●There is only one ending.

● You can play for free until the end.
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-fev, 2024

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