Hanuman Wallpaper 3D

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Best collection of HD Lord Hanuman Wallpaper.
Hanuman is one of the many deities of the Hindu tradition. He is regarded as the monkey-general of a mythic monkey kingdom, known as Kiskindha. In Hindu tradition, Hanuman is most commonly known for his role in the Ramayana a Sanskrit epic featuring the characters of Rama, Sita, Hanuman, and Laksmana, character of the Ramayana epic; Laksmana is his brother who accompanies Rama during his banishment from his kingdom. The story of the birth of Hanuman goes thus: Vrihaspati, the preceptor of the gods, had an attendant called Punjikasthala. She was cursed to assume the form of a female monkey - a curse that could only be nullified if she would give birth to an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Reborn as Anjana, she performed intense austerities to please Shiva, who finally granted her the boon that would cure her of the curse.
Lord hanuman is the passionate devotee of Lord Rama. Lord Hanuman is considered as one of the most physically strongest deity of all.
Hanuman is the central character in the various version of the epic Ramayana which is found in the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia.
Lord Hanuman is also known as the deity of Power. He is the only hero other than Lord Rama in the Ramayana. Other names of Hanuman ji are Bajrang Bali, Maruti, Kesari Nandan, Sankata Mochana and Mahavira.
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-iyn, 2023

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