Girlfriend Mod for MCPE

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This application is not an official Minecraft Pocket Edition game product, it is not related or endorsed by Mojang.

I present to you the my Girlfriend games mod, which turns all villagers into fun games for girls games and if you have a diamond, you can marry one of them. You can no longer be alone in cute Minecraft Pocket Edition. Your super stylist wife will automatically follow you everywhere and may even help you by moving some of your items in girl games for free minecraft. makeup artist

How to find a my girlfriend and boyfriend?
Fun games for Girls games can be found in the villages as they replace the villagers. Once you have found one that you really like, then you can ask her to marry you at the MCPE. Take the diamond and offer it to her. If she accepts your offer, you will see a few red hearts that appear on your screen. To do this, use the long press on a my girlfriend games holding a diamond and press Tame in girl skins for minecraft.
After you get married, you can’t just leave your makeup artist wife. She will always follow you and she has an infinite amount of health, which means that she will never die.

Thus, you will be connected with your boyfriend and girlfriend games to death and the only way to stop your relationship is to sign a divorce super stylist (that is, give her an emerald).

If you do not want her to follow you, you can ask her to stay where she is.
Sneak up, use long press on the girl minecraft and press Sit / Stand. Download this fun games for girls mod for cute minecraft soon! girl friend
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-avg, 2022

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