IELTS Speaking For Success

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IELTS Speaking -Success app includes podcast where a native English speaker answers IELTS speaking test questions, dicuss every week latest IELTS speaking topics, go over useful vocabulary, grammer and provide model answers and vocabulary to help you on your way to improving your general spoken English as well as acheiving a higher band in your exam, all while having fun!

App Features:

*. Sort podcasts by title, date, and download date, This is a useful feature that allows users to find the podcasts they want easily.
*.Dark and light themes.
*.Download the podcasts and listen to them without internet: This is a feature that enables offline.
*.Adjust (decrease or increase) speed of podcast: This is a feature that allows users to adjust the playback speed of podcasts according to their preference and convenience.
*.Switch layout: This is a feature that allows users to change the layout of the app’s interface according to their preference and device orientation.
*.Watch timer: This is a feature that allows users to set a timer for watching podcasts and stop them automatically when the time is up.
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-avg, 2024

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