Drag Sim: Classic

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Drag Sim Classic – The next story of the drag racing game!

Setting a new target in graphics for games, Drag Sim Classic delivers real drag racing to the palm of your hand. Racing games have never been so real and amazing. Customize your cars, drag race against players around the world!

Compete in races against live players across the world with your custom-built supercars. Tune and customize your car for maximum speed and dominate the competition in global. Indulge your passion for the latest and greatest cars on the planet. Download the ultimate racing game for free, start your supercar collection and get racing now!
Customize your cars, bring them to the track and prove who is the best drag race driver around!

Drag Sim Classic redefines what you thought possible in car racing games on your mobile device. Using outstanding 3D rendering techniques, the game features the most beautiful and authentic supercars to date. Racing games don’t get any more real than this!
Collect the racing cars and supercars of your dreams to show them off in your huge warehouse garage

Customize cars with a wide range of tunnig at engine, just as you would in real life, with a world-class car configurator. Upgrade your cars for free and then unlock powerful upgrades to bring your street racer to the next level!

Drag Sim: Classic is the latest Drag Race Simulator that will immerse you in the drag racing world!
Enjoy driving over 10 amazing cars, get under the hood with performance upgrades , customize your vehicle's engine, create unique racing machines!
Awesome features like the, manual transmission, 3D next-gen graphics!
Unlimited gameplay with no fuel required, supercars, exotics, legendary cars.
Different racing conditions are waiting for you. Show off your racer skills, become the best driver in the world! Play Drag Sim Classic.

-More than 10 cars!
-Different Environments
-Smooth and realistic handling
-3D Next-Gen Graphics
-Manual Transmission
-Real engine sounds
-Request new features of our social media pages.
-Custom profile!
-Graphic parameters.
Oxirgi yangilanish
1-avg, 2022

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