Housekeeper Cleaning House

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1 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

Bu oʻyin haqida

It is very good to live on a farm. Here, life is great. You can feel the sun, the wind, and can smell very clean air. Our farm is very big, we have some animals and we have to take care of them. For this job, we need your help.
This Girl Housekeeper Cleaning House is the perfect choice for you. Can have fun and learn some new farm things. It is a very important day for us, you will meet Stacy, she is the housekeeper of this farm.
Be a responsible kid and help her to solve every task.
Our garden is a very important place for us, where we can plant some vegetables and fruits. Use this house chores game for kids to use all your farm abilities.
A very funny task is the one when you have to wash all the laundry, use a good detergent.

- with this farm life app you can become a good farmer;
- all the things create a very beautiful farm;
- our garden is so big and we need your help to make it to look very beautiful;
- first, you have to put clothes in a basket, colored or white;
- then you have to put them in the washing machine, use special detergent for white and colored clothes;
- when finished washing, you have to go out and put the stand to dry faster;
- still have to go to the house and choose a new dress for Stacy, use your fashion designer abilities;
- you can save your favorite pictures.

Have fun!
Oxirgi yangilanish
8-yan, 2021

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