Good Dogs Bring Joy

163 ta sharh
10 ming+
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“Good Dogs Bring Joy” is a casual game that flips the virtual pet genre on its head. The user plays as a dog named Alex who wants to help their owner. To succeed, Alex needs to be a good dog, help out around the house and protect their pack.

Help your humans, Iris and Grant, with daily tasks to fulfill your dream of being man’s best friend. Explore the neighborhood and see what nifty things abound, but keep an eye on those humans, you never know when they’re going to get themselves into trouble!

Good Dogs Bring Joy was designed by Grace, 15, a finalist of Google Play’s Change the Game Design Challenge. In partnership with Girls Make Games, Grace worked with GMG’s development team to bring her game to life.

About Girls Make Games:
Girls Make Games runs summer camps and workshops that teach girls ages 8-18 how to design and code video games. For more information, visit
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-iyn, 2024

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