Gold Miner 3D Classic

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5 ming+
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Gold Miner 3D but classic. Gold miner game is one of the classic games, very familiar to everyone.
In this version. The game is built on the 3D platform but still based on the classic gameplay combined with the following highlights.
- The game is completely transformed into 3D mode combined with the sensor to give you a new feeling. However, the game still supports settings to switch back to 2D mode (in the game's settings).
- The game has many levels for you to explore. The items in the game are also very diverse.
- Physically simulated game objects look more realistic.
- Easy controls, easy to understand layout, all operations just need to tap to control.
- The game allows you to freely express your personality by shopping for clothes, hats, glasses. Especially you can keep a pet, and the pet can grow up every day. (totally free)
- You can challenge your friends or other players as long as your phone has an internet connection. (To be able to play with friends, you should connect to the same network as your friend.)
- The game supports multiple languages.

I hope the game will be the best version of Gold Miner for you. help you have moments of light entertainment and return to childhood memories!
Oxirgi yangilanish
1-okt, 2024

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