Kids Broken Party

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Interactive fairytales for kids are renewed with a new amazing story! Our beloved Hippy knows a lot of interesting stories and fairytales and make them modern. Today it will be a new interactive fairytale The Wolf and Seven Kids. Instead of wolf there is a big balloon dragon, and instead of goats we have Hippo and her friends. It is much more interesting than any bedtime story! Do you want to be the hero of a modern fairytale? A new interactive fairytale invites you to the world of exciting adventures!

Educational games for kids must be interesting and clever enough, must learn a kid different skills such as thinking, speed of movement, logical thinking and speed of reaction. Games for kids such as scratching, painting and connecting dots are must have for this kind of games. Our interactive Hippy fairytales consists of such games, they are suitable for boys and for girls as well. Kids like so much interesting and original stories. The Wolf and Seven Kids is of that kind of stories, it will keep your kids interested until the end of the story. And, of course, all our stories have a happy end! Our Hippy always tries to make kids involved and interested. Even Bad Dragon will be happy in our fairytale. Is it possible? Yes, everything is possible in our interactive fairytale The Wolf and Seven Kids! Enough of boring bedtime fairytales! Be the main hero of the fairytale and have a lot of adventures! Play with Hippo kids games such as scratch, painting and connect dots and a lot of other funny and educational games for kids. Visit the world of fairytale adventure and exciting stories!

This new game, as well as all our games for boys and girls is absolutely for free! Stay tuned, follow us and spend happy time with your kids! play together with your kids our free educational games.

Founded in 2015, Hippo Kids Games stands as a prominent player in mobile game development. Specializing in creating fun and educational games tailored for kids, our company has carved a niche for itself by producing over 150 unique applications that have collectively garnered over 1 billion downloads. With a creative team dedicated to crafting engaging experiences, ensuring that children worldwide are provided with delightful, educational, and entertaining adventures at their fingertips.

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Oxirgi yangilanish
26-yan, 2024

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Dastur ishlab chiquvchilar axborot ulashilishini qanday aytishi haqida batafsil
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Dastur ishlab chiquvchilar axborot jamlanishini qanday aytishi haqida batafsil
Google Play “Butun oila uchun” dasturi qoidalariga amal qiladi

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This update includes performance improvement and bug fixing. We strive to provide the best gaming experience for kids and their parents.
Thank you for choosing our educational games with Hippo!
If you come up with ideas for improvement of our games or you want to share your opinion on them, feel free to contact us