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Welcome to Nadia2000, an immersive (prototype) game experience inspired by Guillaume Regis's novel:

The Codes of Relationships.

Dive into an interactive adventure where you, as the novel’s protagonist, Marcus Johnson, embark on a mission critical to humanity's survival.

The Earth and realms beyond face an existential threat from the Ultraxoids, alien parasites plotting to terraform our world into their own. The Nadia2000 Programme, a daring initiative, merges human resilience with the DNA of these extraterrestrials to create a new cadre of defenders, known as the Specialized Tactical Assault and Reconnaissance Team (START). Stationed worldwide and across dimensions, START stands as our last bastion of hope.

In this game, you will assume the role of Marcus Johnson, equipped with advanced weaponry and technology, ready to tackle the challenges ahead.

Navigating through the bustling streets of a reimagined Times Square, set in an alternate history version of the year 1999, you'll be armed with state-of-the-art weaponry and tech. Your mission is to thwart the Ultraxoid infestation threatening this vibrant urban landscape.

This journey is not just a fight for survival; it's an expansion of the novel’s exploration into human connections, pushing the boundaries of time and space. As envisioned by Marcus, it's a cosmic-scale narrative that delves into what it means to be truly human amidst overwhelming odds. Prepare to embark on this strategic adventure, where safeguarding existence becomes a testament to our universal resolve.

Exploratory Missions: Begin your journey in the backroom of the Radi Omega Corp pavilion, searching for Marcus's lost satchel and belongings amidst a recreation of the 1964 NYC World Fair.
Time-Travel Adventures: Encounter a mysterious TV that propels Marcus into a distorted vision of 1999, where the real challenge begins.
Interactive Gameplay: Engage in a mix of item collection, puzzle-solving, and strategic avoidance of the Ultraxoids. Utilize jumping and attacking mechanics to navigate threats.
Control and Movement: Master intuitive controls, including clicking on keys or buttons to move Marcus and interact with the environment.
Oxirgi yangilanish
5-iyn, 2024

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Nima yangiliklar

An Immersive Prototype!

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Telefon raqami
Dasturchi haqida
Mr Guillaume Regis
United Kingdom

TheKitchenTableConvention. – boshqa ilovalar