Remote for Samsat

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Turn your Android device into a versatile remote control for your SamSat TV Receiver with the SamSat TV Receiver Android Remote app! Enjoy the convenience of managing your SamSat TV settings, channels, and more right from your smartphone.


Intelligent Control: Seamlessly control your SamSat TV Receiver with an intuitive interface that replicates the functions of your physical remote control.

Channel Management: Effortlessly browse through channels, switch sources, and access your favorite content with a few taps on your mobile device.

Volume Adjustments: Take command of your TV's audio by adjusting the volume easily from the app, eliminating the need for a separate remote.

Power On/Off: Power up or shut down your SamSat TV Receiver conveniently from your smartphone, adding a touch of modernity to your entertainment setup.

Quick Access: Navigate through menus and settings effortlessly, enhancing your TV-watching experience with quick and efficient control.

The SamSat TV Receiver Android Remote app is an independent application developed to enhance your TV control experience. This app is not an official product of SamSat Corporation and is not affiliated with or endorsed by SamSat Corporation. It is designed to work seamlessly with SamSat TV Receivers, providing users with a convenient alternative remote control option.


Ensure that your SamSat TV Receiver is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as your Android device for optimal performance.
The app requires your smartphone to have an Infrared (IR) blaster for compatibility.
Transform your SamSat TV Receiver control experience with the SamSat TV Receiver Android Remote app. Download now to enjoy a modern and efficient way to interact with your entertainment setup!
Oxirgi yangilanish
6-dek, 2023

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-SamSat New Remote