44 Magnum Revolver Shot Sounds

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44 Magnum Revolver Shot Sounds has it all! The classic 44 Magnum cock, shot, reload and shell drop are all featured. Simply press the buttons to hear the sounds of a 44 Magnum going off in a state of the art, professional recording studio. No studio artists were injured during the making of 44 Magnum Revolver Shot Sounds.

Be sure to wind down the windows and blast the speakers if you plan on using 44 Magnum Revolver Shot Sounds on the car speakers for optimum effect and ease off traffic flow should you be stuck behind a grandma doing 20 under the speed limit. A couple 44 Magnum Revolver shot sounds will surely get her attention so she pulls over and moves out of the way!
Oxirgi yangilanish
1-may, 2022

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44 Magnum Revolver Shot Sounds v1