Orbiting Balls - Drop n merge

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Welcome to the blissful outer space of relaxing puzzle - Orbiting Balls 2048! This is a puzzle that will give you peace of mind and take mind off the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

How to play?
☀️ Shoot with colorful balls towards the center of the orbit to merge balls of the same color to get the next one.

☀️ Control direction and power of shot with your finger to shoot ball in place that you want

☀️ Use gravity logic - all the balls tend to the center! So you can try to shoot ball out of orbit, but it will return :)

☀️ From time to time - you will see bombs and vortex balls. Use them to change order of balls or to shake play field.

☀️ Use the two help buttons on the left and right if your tactics reach a dead end.

☀️ Merge all balls into final shape - incredible sunball!

You will have to think in which part of the orbit and with what force to shoot the ball for maximum results.

If you are looking for relaxing games and want to enjoy a simple but addictive process, Orbiting Balls is the game you have been looking for.

This puzzle will seem familiar to you, if you have played balls 2048. But unlike other such games, Orbiting Balls offers a unique approach with cozy backgrounds, sounds, ambient and music.

And in each new game you will see a new orbit background, the game will never get boring with the same look!

Enjoy every moment in this addictive anti-stress game!
Oxirgi yangilanish
5-okt, 2024

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