My Study Cards

Yoshga oid cheklov
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This application is the help a student needs to ace the classes in school. It helps to memorize or to take notes. Additionally, you can takes pictures of the material you are studing. Your favorite picture from your phone can also be attached to a study card.

It is designed to help with the concept and the supporting ideas associated with the concept. The supporting ideas can be text or photos (using your camera or existing picture).

Add as many Flash Cards as you need. Remove or edit them as well.

This app will also pop up a notification every interval of time specified by the user. The pop up notification shows a different study card every time. That way you always refresh your memory with the stuff you want to learn.

This educational App:
- Has no advertisement.
- Internet connectivity is not needed.

Tag Words:
Study cards, memory cards, Flash cards, student aid, memorize
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-mar, 2024

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