Wire Finder - Cable Locator

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AC live wire locator and cable finder app is developed to help you with your work, if you want to do some construction work or some decoration in your home, office, room or other places and you don’t know about electrical wires, AC live wires and cables so it’s really tough for you to work also its risky for you when you don’t know location of hidden wires, metal pipes and network cables.

To make your work smart and easy we design this AC live wire locator and cable finder app which works using magnetic sensor of your android phone. This app convert your phone to a very useful tool like wire finder.

Wire and pipe detector app will help you to find exactly location of hidden wires, metal pipes, hidden metal objects, electrical wires studs and network cable with just few easy steps. This app is very easy to use and it will make your hidden wires finding experience so easy.
You don’t need to buy some detecting tools from online stores, install this free wire locator app now and start scanning for metal objects and AC live wires. This app also helps you to find hidden studs, bolt, iron and electrical circuits.

Now it’s easy to work anywhere you want, if you want to trace hidden wires underground, in walls or in floors this wire and cable tracker will figure out hidden wires up to 30 mm with just few easy steps.

This app is not only wire detector but it can also use to detect metal so this feature makes your scanning experience more efficient because sometimes there are many metal objects with AC live wire like studs, nails and bolts in the walls, floor and ceiling.

When you want to track down specific wires, cables, metal pipes and electrical wires just move your phone near any area which you want to scan for hidden metal objects, when this free wire detector app find any hidden objects the app will make some sounds with vibration so mark that area.

Sometimes the app metal objects are very deep so the app don’t make any sound or vibration so you have to look at your phone and note the scanning meter, where the dB values changing time to time. When the app find any hidden objects the dB value increase and decrease.

When the dB value goes high its mean the app detect some hidden objects which might be a hidden AC live wires, metal pipes, studs and electrical wires.

AC Live Wire Locator & Cable Finder:
Scan and detect AC live wire and network cables.
You can use this app for finding any metal objects.
This app works using magnetic sensor of your phone.
Wire finder and pipe locator app works without internet connection.

You can use this app to find magnetic fields.
For better result make sure your phone has magnetic sensor.
Oxirgi yangilanish
19-iyl, 2024

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