Backrooms: Object "SCP 173"

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181 ta sharh
100 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

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Backrooms: SCP 173 is a free-to-play survival horror game that challenges you to face your worst fears. You will find yourself in an endless maze of randomly generated utility rooms. One of the theories says that it is impossible to get out of the backrooms, and this is up to you to find out. Try to blink less often, because somewhere in these walls there is a monster number SCP 173 that escaped from the SCP Foundation. This terrifying adventure will make your heart beat faster as the screams of the disturbing loneliness of the walls and the frightening rattle of an object of unknown origin.
Backrooms are horror corridors lined with yellow old wet carpet, the walls in it are pasted over with yellow wallpaper, and on the ceiling there are square fluorescent lamps. God forbid you hear something wandering nearby, because probably the monster knows about you.
The escaped monster is SCP-173, or its other name is sculpture. He was produced of concrete and fittings. SCP-173 is lived and highly hostile. An object cannot move while it is within line of sight. However, when sight contact stops (including when blinking), it goes to the victim and kills it by breaking the neck or strangulation. This horror noise is heard all over backrooms.
The horror game has two popular and interesting game modes, loved by players from all over the world.
Survival is the first and most popular mode.
Due to our civilized existence, we rarely encounter physiological survival. But now you have to experience it. Survive where it is impossible to survive in backrooms. Take on the role of the poor fellow who found himself in those terrible places. Can you make it to the end? Or will you give up at the very beginning?
Choose the difficulty level according to your abilities and try to hold out as long as possible under the onslaught of the oppressive yellow horror walls of the Backrooms, and the monster hunting you SCP-173.
Escape is the second mode in this game. No less popular and interesting.
You need to explore backrooms in search of keys to get out of the maze, while hiding from the escaped monster SCP 173. If you're not careful in backrooms, you'll have to start over.
Join the game and feel your heart start beating faster when you hear the sound of SOMETHING approaching!
Oxirgi yangilanish
1-okt, 2024

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