Survival with Floppa.Ancient

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1 ming+
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Hamma uchun

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complete many levels with different levels of difficulty. You will have to dodge bombs to save Floppa. A villain is attacking you, go through everything and reveal his secret! Buy Floppa skins and play as Floppa! Completing the levels, you can admire the wonders of architecture and culture of the ancient world. Complete the entire level map! Help Floppa Survive in the ancient world!

Features of the game:

* A great 2D game along with the simple gameplay that children love so much. However, this rather fast-paced action arcade game will not let even adults relax. Help Floppa Survive!

* Dodge the falling bombs on the screen, collect a shield that can protect you for a short time, you can play for Floppa if you buy Floppa skin in the skin store.

* Collect dumplings-coins for which you can buy skins of your favorite Floppa in the skin store.
Then you can become Floppa!

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Oxirgi yangilanish
22-avg, 2024

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