Tom Gates Brilliant Music App

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FREE TO TRY!!! Features music from Dude3, DogZombies, Plastic Cup and more. Control the parts that make up the music – vocals, ukulele, guitar drums, etc. Slow them down to learn and then join in. Special ukulele parts with online tutorials.

This brilliant app puts you in control of the music. You can hear all the parts separately. You can learn to sing the songs – all the words are there. Then if you want you can switch the singer off and you can sing instead, like karaoke.

All the DogZombies tracks have special ukulele parts. There are videos on You Tube and to show you how to play them. The app lets you slow the music down so you can start by playing the songs through really slowly. The better you get, the faster you can go till you get up to full speed.

And you can put any part of the song on a loop – so the bit you select plays over and over to help you get it right.

Coming soon - there will also be videos to help you learn the guitar parts so look out for those.
2 of DogZombies best songs – Delia is a Weirdo and School Dinner Blues have special choir versions. So you can get together with your friends and sound amazing!

You will love this app and the best thing is it’s FREE to try. It works on phones and tablets. When you download the app you get The Cat Song by DogZombies COMPLETELY FREE – yes, really!
Oxirgi yangilanish
2-apr, 2023

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