Party Ball Arcade

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1 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

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Roll up cups of cola with the titular Party Ball and save the party from the angry crabs, rabid raccoon and even beings from beyond our world in this challenging, retro-style adventure. Each level is filled with traps, tricks and hazards that all want to pop your Party Ball before you can reach the goal. Beating Party Ball Arcade takes both a steady hand and a quick mind - are you up for the challenge?

Using your mobile device's tilt-sensing functionality you navigate over 40 different mazes across three unique worlds ranging from sandy beaches to space stations. Collect at least eight cups of cola on each level and then find the exit to progress, but beware of the many hazards that stand between you and party-saving success.

Tap and hold the screen to charge up your attack spin to defeat the enemies between you and success, and don't forget to grab a power up or two to stay alive and increase your score multiplier.
Oxirgi yangilanish
25-yan, 2017

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