Mount Rainier Lite

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Mount Rainier and Little Tahoma reflected in the calm waves of Bench Lake.

This live wallpaper is based on the wonderful photo taken by Frank Kovalchek:


This is the full version. Here are some key features (but far from all):

* Seamless transitions from day to night, beautiful sunrise and sunset
* Sun moves over the sky
* Moon and shooting stars during night
* Select real time and the wallpaper never looks exactly the same
* Turn on GPS position to let the app calculate your exact sunrise and sunset times
* Or select a static time yourself, to always show the sky and colors at your favourite time of day
* Parallax effect (Gyroscope) that gives a magical depth to the wallpaper when you move or tilt your phone
* Tons of other different settings for customizations

In the foreground fireweed flowers sway gently in the wind.

Epilobium angustifolium, commonly known as Fireweed (mainly in North America), Great Willow-herb (Canada), or Rosebay Willowherb (mainly in Britain), is a perennial herbaceous plant in the willowherb family Onagraceae.

Other contributors (flickr users):

Fireweed: peupleloup & Jeffrey Pang
Moon: Luis Argerich

Thanks everyone for the creative commons licenses!
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-fev, 2023

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