Dish Washing Games Girls Home

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Little princess! Mommy is really tired after all day of busy work routine. Mom already have cleaned the house laundry and other rooms but she needs rest. Let's help the tired mommy in cleaning and washing dishes. Go to the kitchen room to clean up the shelves and be the dish washer. This awesome girls games is fun like any house makeover and interior decoration game. Little boys and girls take care of your house more than any housekeeping maid. Arrange and manage kitchen utensils and dishes in the racks and shelves to complete the kitchen cleaning and makeover. Dish washing games for girls also have repairing and fixing activities to be the best repairman.

First gather the dirty plates from dining table and shelves and put them in washer sink. Use sponge and dish washer soap to wash and clean the plates to make them tidy. Place the plates in the dryer to dry them. Dump the trash and mess in the dustbin. Throw the leftover in the recycle bins to make kitchen hygienic. Wash the dishes in the sink and place all kitchen utensils like glass, forks, spoon and tray in their respective rack spot.

Little housekeeper and cleaner now become the awesome repair and fixer guy to fix the damaged sink pipe. Use repairing mechanic tools to fix the pipes to stop the water leakage. There is a birthday celebration dinner in the house so arrange the utensils, plates and dishes on the food dinner table. To have the best dream meal in the house. This dish washer and dish cleaning game contains multiple fun learning and house care activities. Now play this dish washing games for girls to decorate, design and makeover the home with perfection.

Dish Washing Games For Girls Features

- A Lot of Dirty and messy dishes, plates and kitchen utensils to wash.
- Multiple house repair and cleaning activities.
- Arrange and manage stuff in the rooms.
- Decorate the dining table with food and dishes.
- Makeover and build the dream house.
- Smooth entertaining game play.
- High quality graphics.
Oxirgi yangilanish
8-may, 2023

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