Easy split screen : Multi Wind

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If you want to work with two different apps at the same time then you can do it using the Easy split screen : Multi Window. This app creates dual windows on your phone screen so you can do multitasking.

To split your screen into two parts first you have to enable split-screen service from the app. Then there are two shortcut ways available to get the split-screen, the first way is using the floating button and the second way is using the notification.

1.You can adjust the size of the floating button.
2.You can customize the foreground color and background color of the floating button.
3.You can change the opacity of the floating button.
4.The floating button will automatically get adjusted towards the sides of the screen if the Adjust to sides option is turned on.
5.Your phone will vibrate when you activate or deactivate the split-screen.

Note: Split screen will only work on those apps which supports screen splitting, if split is applied on non-supported apps it won't work and will show error message.

If you have any suggestion or complain mail us jg.creation1606@gmail.com.
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-iyl, 2021

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